Several years of successful cooperation bonds us to the company IMC in the fields of steel construction and material handling plant construction.

Wolfgang H., Director of Construction - Global Player in Conveyor Technology

General contractor

With IMC as general contractor, you will receive a complete range of services ranging from the development and planning up to the successful realisation of your construction project. From brainstorming and draft, support structure, execution and sequence planning to project management and interior and outdoor facility designing, you will be able to determine the project requirements in close contact with our architects, engineers and expert planners.

Whether you are planning the construction of an industrial plant or an industrial or trade hall for production or logistics, the stringent standards set by us with regard to sustainability, efficiency and cost-effectiveness guarantee your success.

Featured as general contractor performed projects

Bridge Golfpark Seehausen

Implementation: 2011
Services: General Contractor
General Planner

[Show project]

Filter system Saal Germany (DE)

Implementation: 2006
Services: General Contractor
General Planner

[Show project]

Conveyor bridge Ruedersdorf

Implementation: 2015
Services: General Contractor
General Planner
Shop Drawings
Structural Design / Static

[Show project]



18.10.2023We've moved!

In mid-October, we moved into our new office space in Leipzig-Zentrum-Süd. You can now reach us at Münzgasse 28, 04107 Leipzig. All other contact...[more]

30.06.2023Group dynamics on the treadmill - Leipzig Company Run 2023

This year, the IMC once again presented its moving group dynamics at the Leipzig Company Run on 28 June. Our team, consisting of experienced runners...[more]

26.06.2022Leipzig's Company Run - IMC remains sporty

On 22.06.22 more than 12,000 people from all over Leipzig and the surrounding area came together for the Company Run Leipzig - and...[more]